The Walking Dead Drinking Game: Season 4 Episode 11

It’s another round of The Walking Dead Drinking Game so get out your Solo cups, shot glasses, and maybe an object capable of inflicting blunt force trauma to a rotting, shambling corpse, because we are going to party like it’s zombie arena fight night in Woodbury.

A few rules:

  1. If you are too young to drink, you are referred to as a “Carl.” Your job is to make everyone else miserable by your willful defiance of simple instructions.
  2. If you don’t want to drink, replace alcohol with fruit punch. Pretend its blood. You’re a zombie.
  3. There will probably be spoilers.
  4. Head shots only. Don’t waste ammo.

When to drink:

1. Drink any time Lizzie does something psychotic

2. Drink every time Carol kills Tyreese, then collect your salty tears in a chalice and drink that too

3. Drink any time the new guy with a mullet has a line of dialogue

4. Bob is on screen, quick everybody hide their drinks!

5. Drink any time Carl has a more meaningful conversation with Michonne than he’s ever had with his father

6. Drink any time Maggie does something stupid in her relentless pursuit of Glenn

7. Drink any time Bob and Sasha follow Maggie even though she is doing something stupid in her relentless pursuit of Glenn

8. Drink any time Rick drops his voice to show he’s really serious about something

Happy drinking! Don’t forget to check out our recap after the show!


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