This week’s installment finished the six episode set up, for what is sure to be an emotionally-intense season finale. All of the interviews have concluded, the narrative is officially in the present, and fans are on the edge of their seats eager to see how the show will end.

Episode 7 begins with Marty and Cohle sitting in a bar. Marty asks “why am I here?” forcing Rust to get to the point. Cohle opens with the Lake Charles murder, and how it had been kept from the papers saying “If they’d cover that up, who knows what else they might have covered up,” justifying the need to keep his investigation under wraps. Marty is unconvinced it’s worth getting back into and as he begins to leave Cohle says “You have a debt, because of the way things went down in ’95.” This is a reference to Marty’s impromptu execution of Ledoux. Though Marty seems reluctant to even entertain the thought that Rust isn’t crazy, he is convinced to at least see what Cohle has in his storage shed. read more